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  1. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2. │  OS2COPY rel. 2.1.02 GA. Copyright (C) 1992-1994: John Ståhle             │
  3. │                                                                           │
  4. │  What is this ?                                                           │
  5. │                                                                           │
  6. │  This packet is designed to Copy an ENTIRE OS/2 v. 2.1 GA HPFS or FAT     │
  7. │  BootManager system, fully configured, from one partition (drive letter)  │
  8. │  to an other (eg. from D: to F:) INCLUDING ALL FILES on the OS/2          │
  9. │  partition, ie. ALSO files not related to the OS/2 system as such.        │
  10. │                                                                           │
  11. │  This implies that an entire system including all configuration,          │
  12. │  installed on one computer can be copied to another if the hard disk      │
  13. │  from the second computer is temporarily installed on the first one.      │
  14. │                                                                           │
  15. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  16. │ Look for these headlines:                                                 │
  17. │                                                                           │
  18. │   File list                      This is what it is all about             │
  19. │   How to                         Hands on                                 │
  20. │   Hands on 2.                    What next ?                              │
  21. │   Copy FAT -> HPFS               Copy HPFS -> FAT    (impossible)         │
  22. │   Problems                       A word from the author                   │
  23. │   Pricing                        from one computer to another             │
  24. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  25. │ File list:                                                                │
  26. │                                                                           │
  27. │ All of these are required files:                                          │
  28. │                                                                           │
  29. │ OS2Copy.DOC    (this file).                                               │
  30. │ OS2Copy.CMD    Initiates the copy process.                                │
  31. │ OS2Copy2.CMD   Performs the copy process.                                 │
  32. │ InitEdit.Exe   Edits the init files.                                      │
  33. │ YesNo.LNG      abbreviations for Yes and No in national language          │
  34. │ XCopy.Sw       switches for XCOPY                                         │
  35. │ InitEdit.STD   list of files to be changed by the program                 │
  36. │ Not_Copy.Lst   list of files NOT to be copied to new system               │
  37. │                                                                           │
  38. │ BOOT21.HPF     Needed if you copy a FAT system to HPFS                    │
  39. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  40. │ If your OS/2 system is a 'national language' version (ie. not English)    │
  41. │ you +MUST+ edit the file YesNo.LNG  Any 7 bit ASCII text editor will do.  │
  42. │                                                                           │
  43. │ YesNo.LNG    abbreviations for Yes and No in your national language       │
  44. │ ......................................................................... │
  45. │                                                                           │
  46. │ The script will find all .INI files on your system partition;             │
  47. │  if, however, some .INI files are located on another partition            │
  48. │  (by you, during an installation), you will have to edit the file         │
  49. │  InitEdit.STD - any 7 bit ASCII text editor will do.                      │
  50. │                                                                           │
  51. │ If you are copying a national language version of OS/2 (ie. language      │
  52. │ other than English) you will probably have to edit this file.             │
  53. │ ......................................................................... │
  54. │                                                                           │
  55. │ You may also find it necessary to edit the files:                         │
  56. │                                                                           │
  57. │  Not_Copy.Lst   list of files NOT to be copied to new system              │
  58. │  XCopy.Sw       switches for XCOPY (not very likely)                      │
  59. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  61. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  62. │                                                                           │
  63. │  All of the above are Copyright (C):                                      │
  64. │                       John Ståhle                                         │
  65. │                       289A Buddinge Hovedgade                             │
  66. │                       DK-2880 Bagsværd                                    │
  67. │                       Denmark, Europe                                     │
  68. │                       Phone +45 44 98 66 18 (voice)                       │
  69. │                                                                           │
  70. │                Internet:   john.staahle@dkb.dk   or                       │
  71. │                            jost@dkb.dk                                    │
  72. │                RIME  OS/2: John Staahle  R/O  ->1117                      │
  73. │                ILINK OS/2: John Staahle                                   │
  74. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  75. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  76. │                                                                           │
  77. │  This is what it is all about:                                            │
  78. │                                                                           │
  79. │  Two co-operating REXX scripts and a co-operating program,                │
  80. │  designed to Copy an * OS/2 HPFS or FAT BootManager * system from         │
  81. │  one drive letter to another, eg. from D: to E:                           │
  82. │                                                                           │
  83. │  There is no obvious reason why this packet should not work on a          │
  84. │  'OS/2 as only operating system' but this has not yet been tested.        │
  85. │  It may even work in a network where you are allowed to repartition and   │
  86. │  format a net drive this has not been tested either.                      │
  87. │                                                                           │
  88. │  The .EXE interacts with the two OS2Copy.CMDs, (which also interacts) in  │
  89. │  performing the actual editing of OS/2 initfiles (OS2.INI and the like)   │
  90. │  to fit on a new partition, creating data files for the scripts, etc.     │
  91. │                                                                           │
  92. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  94. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  95. │                                                                           │
  96. │ How to:                                                                   │
  97. │                                                                           │
  98. │   Prerequisites:                                                          │
  99. │                                                                           │
  100. │   1. An installed OS/2 BootManager system                                 │
  101. │      with REXX (part of standard OS/2 installation)                       │
  102. │                                                                           │
  103. │   2. A partition to Copy to :-)                                           │
  104. │      This partition will become formatted during the procedure            │
  105. │      AND it will contain ALL files found on the From system.              │
  106. │      The latter implies that the From partition must have                 │
  107. │      room for these files.                                                │
  108. │                                                                           │
  109. │   3. The files listed as Required in the above Filelist.                  │
  110. │                                                                           │
  111. │  >>  All these files MUST reside in the subdirectory from which you       │
  112. │  >>  start OS2COPY.                                                       │
  113. │  >>  This subdirectory MUST be included in the PATH statement in your     │
  114. │  >>  Config.Sys system file +AND+ in your DOS PATH statement in           │
  115. │  >>  in Autoexec.Bat.                                                     │
  116. │  >>  It is highly recommended to place this subdirectory entry            │
  117. │  >>  immediately after "\OS2;" in both of these PATH statements           │
  118. │                                                                           │
  119. │      Recommended installation procedure:                                  │
  120. │                                                                           │
  121. │      Create a subdirectory named O immediately below the root of your     │
  122. │      From-Drive (eg. x:\O).                                               │
  123. │                                                                           │
  124. │      Copy all files to this subdirectory.                                 │
  125. │                                                                           │
  126. │      Include this subdirectory in the two PATH statements in Config.Sys   │
  127. │      and Autoexec.Bat, respectively. Reboot after editing these files.    │
  128. │                                                                           │
  129. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  131. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  132. │                                                                           │
  133. │ Hands on:                                                                 │
  134. │                                                                           │
  135. │ >>> First: Make a full backup of your From-drive and of anything you  <<< │
  136. │ >>> want to keep on your To drive.                                    <<< │
  137. │                                                                           │
  138. │  Next take a look at what is in the following 7 bit ASCII files:          │
  139. │  YesNo.LNG, XCopy.Sw and InitEdit.STD                                     │
  140. │                                                                           │
  141. │  You +MUST+ edit the file 'YesNo.LNG' if copying a national language      │
  142. │  version other than English. Use any 7 bit ASCII text editor.             │
  143. │                                                                           │
  144. │  If the drive letter in your icon names or paths in the icons' program    │
  145. │  name are lower case, I have some bad news for you:                       │
  146. │  All drive letters in folder and icon names and paths in the icons'       │
  147. │  program names MUST be upper case!                                        │
  148. │                                                                           │
  149. │  This because it is impossible to know the names of any new WPS classes   │
  150. │  that may be registered by a program installation sometime in the future. │
  151. │  I am working on a solution to this - but right now I am out of ideas.    │
  152. │  °  <- my head - empty!                                                   │
  153. │                                                                           │
  154. │  You may need to edit InitEdit.STD - use any 7 bit ASCII text editor -    │
  155. │  but unless you have a very non-standard system or applications which     │
  156. │  keep hard coded drive information outside the OS*.INI files, I doubt it. │
  157. │                                                                           │
  158. │  >>>  No other process may be active while the job is running         <<< │
  159. │                                                                           │
  160. │  Stick to what the program and this documentation file tells you.         │
  161. │                                                                           │
  162. │  Think while you work.                                                    │
  163. │                                                                           │
  164. │  Read - actually read - verify and respect the instruction displayed      │
  165. │  on your screen while running the two OS2COPY*.CMD-scripts.               │
  166. │                                                                           │
  167. │  Make sure your OS2*.INI files are in a healthy condition before you      │
  168. │  start OS2Copy. Run eg. Henk Kelder's Checkini /C at least twice.         │
  169. │                                                                           │
  170. │  Open a full screen command line session and type:                        │
  171. │                                                                           │
  172. │  OS2Copy <From Drive> <ToDrive> with or without a trailing ':'            │
  173. │                                                                           │
  174. │  or just: OS2Copy                                                         │
  175. │                                                                           │
  176. │  you will be prompted for the missing parameters later in the session     │
  177. │                                                                           │
  178. │  Samples:                                                                 │
  179. │                                                                           │
  180. │      OS2COPY D                                                            │
  181. │      OS2COPY D: F:                                                        │
  182. │      OS2COPY D G:                                                         │
  183. │      OS2COPY                                                              │
  184. │                                                                           │
  185. │  Whichever you choose, you are later asked to confirm the FROM and TO     │
  186. │  partition (and file system if it differs from your 'to file system).     │
  187. │                                                                           │
  188. │  Although it is a simple task to make FDISK automatically delete and      │
  189. │  create the TO partition, for the sake of safety you are required to do   │
  190. │  this manually when FDISK has been started by the script.                 │
  191. │                                                                           │
  192. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  194. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  195. │   Hands on 2.:                                                            │
  196. │                                                                           │
  197. │   React to the warnings and follow the instructions displayed on screen.  │
  198. │                                                                           │
  199. │   WHEN you have made changes using FDISK -                                │
  200. │   you MUST delete any old partition that may exist where you want the new │
  201. │   system to reside, create a new partition and add it to BootManager      │
  202. │   - or you will have to restart the procedure from scratch.               │
  203. │                                                                           │
  204. │   Upon leaving FDISK you are told to press CTRL ALT DEL    Do so.         │
  205. │   Do +NOT+ press the RESET button, FDISK has not finished writing         │
  206. │   the new partion table yet.                                              │
  207. │                                                                           │
  208. │   When your system reboots, the OS2Copy2 is automatically called from a   │
  209. │   temporary STARTUP.CMD file in your <From Drive> root directory.         │
  210. │                                                                           │
  211. │   When copying is finished, you MAY have to copy your original STARTUP.CMD│
  212. │   (now named STARTUP.@#@) back into STARTUP.CMD.                          │
  213. │   I have never experienced this myself, but I know (inside info '-))      │
  214. │   that the automatic restore of STARTUP.CMD does not always work.         │
  215. │                                                                           │
  216. │   A backup of the original <From Drive> init files, Config.Sys and        │
  217. │   Autoexec.Bat are left in a subdirectory named <To Drive>\<From Drive>   │
  218. │   (eg. F:\D ).                                                            │
  219. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  220. │                                                                           │
  221. │ What next ?                                                               │
  222. │                                                                           │
  223. │ If everything went smooth, your computer will boot when copy is complete. │
  224. │                                                                           │
  225. │ The first time you boot from the newly created system,                    │
  226. │ sometimes only a skeleton WPS shows up.                                   │
  227. │                                                                           │
  228. │   How do you recover ?                                                    │
  229. │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐     │
  230. │ │     >>> !!! Reboot IMMEDIATELY using Control+Alt+Del !!! <<<      │     │
  231. │ │                                                                   │     │
  232. │ │         !!! Do NOT perform an orderly shut down      !!!          │     │
  233. │ │         !!! Do NOT make any changes to the WPS       !!!          │     │
  234. │ │         !!! Do NOT press the RESET button            !!!          │     │
  235. │ │         !!! Do NOT power off                         !!!          │     │
  236. │ │                                                                   │     │
  237. │ │     >>> !!! Reboot IMMEDIATELY using Control+Alt+Del !!! <<<      │     │
  238. │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘     │
  239. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  241. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  242. │ Problems:                                                                 │
  243. │                                                                           │
  244. │ Make sure your OS2*.INI files are in a healthy condition.                 │
  245. │ Run eg. Henk Kelder's Checkini /C twice or more.                          │
  246. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  247. │ One problem I have had reported is that if in your Autoexec.Bat you       │
  248. │ have the statement Comspec= or SET Comspec= the Initedit.Exe will not     │
  249. │ work correctly. Comment it out like this: ::Comspec= or ::SET Comspec=    │
  250. │ until you have finished copying (:: is the same as Rem, but quicker)      │
  251. │                                                                           │
  252. │ Normally you do not need the Comspec statement, a Shell= statement in     │
  253. │ in Config.Sys is sufficient.                                              │
  254. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  255. │ If the the OS/2 copy does not show a WPS when you boot from it,           │
  256. │ check your original WPS.                                                  │
  257. │ All drive letters in folder and icon names and paths in the icons'        │
  258. │ program names MUST be upper case!                                         │
  259. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  260. │ There used to be problems, if you copied a HPFS system FROM E: K: or L:   │
  261. │ The problem was located to the line                                       │
  262. │ IFS=x:\OS2\HPFS.IFS /CACHE:  /CRECL:  /AUTOCHECK:                         │
  263. │                         ^^       ^^           ^^                          │
  264. │ AFAIK this has been fixed in the present release.                         │
  265. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  266. │ If you copy from a system with high resolution monitor + video card       │
  267. │ to a system with low resolution monitor + video card or from color to     │
  268. │ mono (black and white) you are in trouble.                                │
  269. │ Oh well, not really:                                                      │
  270. │    Boot from floppy.                                                      │
  271. │    Go to new system drive, CD OS2                                         │
  272. │    Have Display Driver diskettes ready.                                   │
  273. │    Run SetVGA.CMD                                                         │
  274. │    That's it!                                                             │
  275. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  277. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  278. │ Copy FAT -> HPFS                                                          │
  279. │                                                                           │
  280. │ It is possible to copy a FAT filesystem OS/2 to a HPFS filesystem OS/2.   │
  281. │                                                                           │
  282. │ This, however, is NOT an ideal copy, since a number of subdirectories     │
  283. │ and files have different names under FAT (8.3 names) and HPFS (254 char.  │
  284. │ names). Many HPFS subdirectory names also have embedded spaces.           │ 
  285. │ Still, you can live with it, the new system will work as HPFS in every    │
  286. │ other aspect.                                                             │
  287. │                                                                           │
  288. │ IMPORTANT !!                                                              │
  289. │ If you have not already installed support for HPFS, you must do this      │
  290. │ using  System Setup -> Selective Install -> High Performance file system. │
  291. │                                                                           │
  292. │ You may also have to insert (AFTER installation of HPFS support),         │
  293. │ as the first line in your Config.Sys:                                     │
  294. │ IFS=<sysdrive>:\OS2\HPFS.IFS  /CACHE:512 /CRECL:4 /AUTOCHECK:<drive>      │
  295. │                                                                           │
  296. │ <sysdrive> is your present OS/2 system drive.                             │
  297. │ <drive> is the intended HPFS drive (no trailing colon eg. /AUTOCHECK:F )  │
  298. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  299. │ Not Copy HPFS -> FAT                                                      │
  300. │                                                                           │
  301. │ It is NOT possible to copy a HPFS system to a FAT system, for the reasons │
  302. │ given above (subdir and file names).                                      │
  303. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  304. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  305. │                                                                           │
  306. │   Copying an entire system including all configuration                    │
  307. │   from one computer to another:                                           │
  308. │                                                                           │
  309. │   Install and configure OS/2 on hard disk 2 (often D:) on From-computer.  │
  310. │                                                                           │
  311. │   Physically install the hard disk to transfer to as disk 1 (C:)          │
  312. │                                                                           │
  313. │   Begin installing OS/2 on hard disk 1 (C:) using the OS/2 installation   │
  314. │   diskettes.                                                              │
  315. │   Configure the C: partition as PRIMARY (using FDISK).                    │
  316. │   Insert the configured OS/2 system and the From-drive into BootManager.  │
  317. │   Abort when the C: disk has been formatted and boot manager is installed.│
  318. │                                                                           │
  319. │   Boot from D:.                                                           │
  320. │   OS2Copy D: C:                                                           │
  321. │   Remove hard disk 1 and insert it in To-computer.                        │
  322. │                                                                           │
  323. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  325. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  326. │                                                                           │
  327. │  Legal section:                                                           │
  328. │                                                                           │
  329. │   The OS2COPY packet has been thoroughly tested and shown to work         │
  330. │   flawlessly on a number of different systems.                            │
  331. │                                                                           │
  332. │   It is, however, distributed * AS IS *.                                  │
  333. │                                                                           │
  334. │   NO responsibility or any other obligation you can ever think of,        │
  335. │   shall be assumed, honored or anything else.                             │
  336. │                                                                           │
  337. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  338. │                                                                           │
  339. │  This Ståhle (C) software may NOT be used for production by a business,   │
  340. │  government agency or institution without payment of a license fee.       │
  341. │                                                                           │
  342. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  343. │                                                                           │
  344. │  Public Domain 10 copy version.                                           │
  345. │                                                                           │
  346. │  If and * ONLY IF * this packet is used on a private and                  │
  347. │  personally owned computer, it is placed in the Public Domain.            │
  348. │                                                                           │
  349. │  The Public Domain version will be able to perform 10 copies.             │
  350. │                                                                           │
  351. │  If you find the software of use to your company etc. and want to         │
  352. │  purchase it, you must order and pay for a number of copies.              │
  353. │                                                                           │
  354. │  A limited right to TEST this software is granted +anyone+ for            │
  355. │         * A TOTAL OF NO MORE THAN 10 system transfers *                   │
  356. │                                                                           │
  357. ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  358. │                                                                           │
  359. │  Pricing:                                                                 │
  360. │                                                                           │
  361. │  As mentioned above, OS2COPY is freeware for the first 10 copies.         │
  362. │                                                                           │
  363. │   50 copy version: US$   100.00 + air mail postage (US$ 5-10).            │
  364. │  100 copy version: US$   150.00 + air mail postage(US$ 5-10).             │
  365. │  500 copy version: US$   500.00, no postage.                              │
  366. │  No limit version: US$ 1,000.00, no postage.                              │
  367. │   (A 'No limit' version which is "fully" automated                        │
  368. │    ie. limiting manual work to little more than starting and rebooting    │
  369. │    the computer, may be ordered at no extra charge).                      │
  370. │                                                                           │
  371. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  373. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  374. │  A word from the author:                                                  │
  375. │                                                                           │
  376. │  It may seem a kludge that names of files to be edited and subdirectory   │
  377. │  name converting tables etc. are placed in ASCII files instead of being   │
  378. │  hardcoded into program and scripts or being placed in some fancy         │
  379. │  binary files.                                                            │
  380. │  It may also seem a kludge that so much of the code is written in REXX.   │
  381. │                                                                           │
  382. │  This approach, however, enables you to                                   │
  383. │    (hopefully) keep pace with future updates of OS/2, without having to   │
  384. │    buy updates of this packet                                             │
  385. │    (not that I don't want to sell updates, but let's be reasonable).      │
  386. │  and to                                                                   │
  387. │    add init files related to programs, which create their own init files  │
  388. │    with "hard coded" partition information, instead of using OS2.INI      │
  389. │  and to                                                                   │
  390. │    add binary files, eg. programs, with "hard coded" drive letters        │
  391. │  and to                                                                   │
  392. │    add text files like Config.sys and ATM.INI including drive letters     │
  393. │  and to                                                                   │
  394. │    use this packet with the different national language versions of OS/2  │
  395. │  and to                                                                   │
  396. │    use this packet even if you have changed the standard names of subdirs.│
  397. │                                                                           │
  398. │  Regards, John Ståhle                                                     │
  399. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  400. ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  401. │   That's all.                                                             │
  402. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘